Silence Can Kill – Speak Out

Silence Can Kill – Speak Out

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time to show support and speak out about interpersonal violence. The color purple signifies domestic violence consciousness and a dedication to break the cycle of abuse; therefore, we at Branch House urge everyone to show encouragement by adorning their lives with the color purple, from wearing purple clothing or even purple hair or nail polish.

Domestic violence is no respecter of persons, both young and old; male and female; every race and religion. Domestic violence cares less about financial status or one’s profession. Typically, gaining power and control over a person is the purpose of the abuse. Not only does interpersonal violence include violent or aggressive behaviors which result in broken bones or bruises, it also comprises murder, intimidation, isolation, threats or injuries to pets, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse, and any other type of abuse to gain control.

It is time to speak out against domestic violence and support survivors of abuse, not only during the month of October but during every month of the year. Today in our immediate community, there are countless men, women, children, and the elderly who suffer abuse at the hands of supposed loved ones. We as a society can never give up until there is zero tolerance for abuse, and we have fostered an environment where survivors can speak out. Shatter the silence.