Take Our Support Group Survey

Take Our Support Group Survey

Branch House loves a good support group, and we are dedicated to providing the very best services to our clients. That’s why we want to know what you think! Please take a moment to answer our short survey about the different types of support groups you would be interested in attending or would like to see organized to support members of our community.

Support group topics include:


LGBTQ Family

Families of Homicide Victims

Sexual Assault Survivors

Domestic Violence Survivors

Take the survey here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=1UEkllVQSUO607rsQ8PXQYi02BgW2qdPqbCnYVH9kAJUMTlKUVBIUU8yVFdLNUU2UFU1VjVaVUFUWC4u